Spring Boot MCQs Explained: Part 1 - Core Concepts for Developers
Part 1: Spring Boot MCQs Series
Kick off your Spring Boot learning or refresh your knowledge with Part 1 of our detailed MCQ series. Tailored for developers at the beginning and intermediate levels, this guide breaks down key Spring Boot fundamentals through engaging multiple-choice questions. Understand the ins and outs of auto-configuration, annotations, and basic application setup. Ideal for interview preparation or quick learning, these MCQs will help solidify your grasp on Spring Boot's essential principles, ensuring a strong foundation for advanced development tasks.
1. What is Spring Boot primarily built for?
- A) To extend the Spring Framework with new features
- B) **To simplify the development of new Spring applications**
- C) To replace the Spring Framework with a new technology
- D) To provide support for developing non-web applications only
2. Which feature of Spring Boot allows for simplified dependency management?
- A) Spring MVC
- B) **Simplified Dependency Management**
- C) Direct Injection
- D) Spring ORM
3. What does the `@SpringBootApplication` annotation do?
- A) Only scans for Spring components
- B) Defines a controller class
- C) **Enables auto-configuration, component scanning, and configuration properties**
- D) Configures Spring Security
4. What is the role of the `@RestController` annotation in Spring Boot?
- A) It indicates that a class is a configuration class
- B) It specifies a class as a repository
- C) **It is used to create RESTful web services**
- D) It marks a service layer class
5. Which component is NOT part of the typical architecture of a Spring Boot application?
- A) Business Layer
- B) Persistence Layer
- C) **Database Layer Reconversion**
- D) Presentation Layer
6. What is the purpose of the Spring Initializr?
- A) To create Spring beans manually
- B) To deploy Spring applications
- C) **To bootstrap a new Spring Boot project with required dependencies**
- D) To configure Spring Security
7. Which file in a Spring Boot project contains application-specific properties?
- A) pom.xml
- B) **application.properties**
- C) build.gradle
- D) Application.java
8. What does the `spring-boot-maven-plugin` do?
- A) Manages project dependencies only
- B) Converts Java applications into web applications
- C) **Simplifies the building and packaging of Spring Boot applications**
- D) Provides additional annotations for Spring Boot applications
9. Which annotation is used for automatic dependency injection in Spring Boot?
- A) `@Service`
- B) `@Repository`
- C) **`@Autowired`**
- D) `@ComponentScan`
10. How can you define the base package for component scanning in Spring Boot?
- A) Using the `@Service` annotation
- B) **Using the `@ComponentScan` annotation**
- C) With the `@EnableAutoConfiguration` annotation
- D) By setting a property in the `application.properties` file
11. What annotation combines `@Configuration`, `@EnableAutoConfiguration`, and `@ComponentScan` in Spring Boot?
- A) `@Service`
- B) `@RestController`
- C) **`@SpringBootApplication`**
- D) `@Repository`
12. Which of the following is a specialized annotation used for handling HTTP GET requests in Spring Boot?
- A) `@PostMapping`
- B) **`@GetMapping`**
- C) `@PutMapping`
- D) `@DeleteMapping`
13. What does the `spring.jpa.show-sql` property in the `application.properties` file do?
- A) Configures the database URL
- B) Sets the database username and password
- C) Specifies the database driver class name
- D) **Specifies whether to show SQL statements in the console**
14. In Spring Boot, what is the purpose of the `@Entity` annotation?
- A) It marks a class as a configuration class
- B) It specifies a class that performs CRUD operations
- C) **It represents a class that maps to a database table**
- D) It indicates a RESTful web service controller
15. What is the function of the `spring-boot-starter-parent` in a Spring Boot project?
- A) It is used to configure Spring Security
- B) **It serves as a parent POM providing dependency and plugin management**
- C) It is a special annotation for REST controllers
- D) It defines properties for externalized configuration
16. Which Spring Boot feature allows for easy monitoring and management of the application?
- A) `@Autowired`
- B) `@EnableAutoConfiguration`
- C) **Spring Boot Actuator**
- D) Spring MVC
Let's delve deeper into the nuances of Spring Boot with more intricate questions:
17. How does Spring Boot simplify the process of developing a new project?
- A) By requiring extensive XML configuration for each component.
- B) **By providing a range of starters that pre-configure common project setups.**
- C) Through manual dependency management for each library.
- D) By eliminating the need for any configuration.
18. What is the primary role of the `@Service` annotation in a Spring Boot application?
- A) Marks a class as a Spring MVC controller.
- B) **Indicates that a class holds business logic and should be treated as a service.**
- C) Designates a class as a repository.
- D) Specifies that a class should be automatically detected as a bean.
19. Which of the following is NOT a correct usage of Spring Boot annotations?
- A) `@Repository` for indicating a data access component.
- B) `@Controller` for marking a class as a web controller.
- C) **`@Autowired` on a class to indicate it should be serialized as JSON.**
- D) `@GetMapping` for mapping HTTP GET requests to handler methods.
20. What does the Spring Boot `@Autowired` annotation achieve?
- A) It is used to create RESTful web services.
- B) It marks a class as a configuration class.
- C) **It allows Spring to resolve and inject collaborating beans into your bean.**
- D) It specifies the base package for component scanning.
21. In Spring Boot, what is the purpose of the `@RequestMapping` annotation?
- A) To define the port on which the application runs.
- B) **To map web requests to specific handler functions within a controller.**
- C) To inject dependencies into Spring beans.
- D) To configure application-wide settings in `application.properties`.
22. What does the `spring-boot:run` Maven goal do?
- A) Compiles the application and generates a WAR file.
- B) **Starts the application using Spring Boot's embedded server.**
- C) Executes unit tests within the Spring Boot application.
- D) Packages the application into a JAR file.
23. How can custom application properties be accessed within a Spring Boot application?
- A) By using the `@Autowired` annotation on properties.
- B) **Through the `@Value` annotation with the property name.**
- C) By manually parsing the `application.properties` file.
- D) Using the `@ComponentScan` annotation.
24. Which of the following best describes the role of the `spring-boot-starter-web` dependency?
- A) It is used exclusively for creating SOAP web services.
- B) It provides support for creating scheduled tasks.
- C) **It simplifies the development of web applications including RESTful applications.**
- D) It is necessary for JDBC database access.
Expanding further into the intricacies of Spring Boot, let's explore some more detailed aspects:
25. Which embedded server is used by default in Spring Boot applications?
- A) GlassFish
- B) **Tomcat**
- C) WebSphere
- D) JBoss
26. What is the significance of the `@EnableAutoConfiguration` annotation in Spring Boot?
- A) It explicitly disables all auto-configuration features in Spring Boot.
- B) It is used to annotate service classes.
- C) **It enables Spring Boot to automatically configure your application based on the dependencies present on the classpath.**
- D) It scans for Spring components in the specified package.
27. How can you customize the server port for a Spring Boot application?
- A) By using the `@ServerPort` annotation in the main application class.
- B) By configuring it in the web.xml file.
- C) **By setting the `server.port` property in the `application.properties` file.**
- D) By passing the server port as a command-line argument to the `@SpringBootApplication` annotation.
28. What does the Spring Boot Actuator provide to a Spring Boot application?
- A) Automatic configuration of MVC controllers.
- B) **Production-ready features to monitor and manage the application.**
- C) Dependency injection capabilities.
- D) Templates for Thymeleaf.
29. In Spring Boot, which file is typically used to specify application configuration properties?
- A) `build.gradle` or `pom.xml`
- B) **`application.properties` or `application.yml`**
- C) `web.xml`
- D) `spring-config.xml`
30. What is the purpose of the `spring-boot-starter-data-jpa` starter?
- A) It provides JDBC access to databases.
- B) It offers base classes for JUnit tests.
- C) **It simplifies the setup of JPA to work with Spring and Spring Data.**
- D) It enables reactive programming models in Spring Boot.
31. Which Spring Boot starter is used to build web, including RESTful, applications using Spring MVC?
- A) `spring-boot-starter-jdbc`
- B) `spring-boot-starter-security`
- C) **`spring-boot-starter-web`**
- D) `spring-boot-starter-test`
32. How can you specify which Spring Data repositories to expose over REST using Spring Boot?
- A) By annotating repository interfaces with `@RestResource`.
- B) By using the `@EnableJpaRepositories` annotation.
- C) **Through configuration in the `application.properties` or `repository-rest.properties` file.**
- D) By implementing custom controller classes for each repository.
33. Which annotation is used in Spring Boot to schedule periodic tasks?
- A) `@Async`
- B) `@Scheduled`
- C) `@EnableScheduling`
- D) **Both B and C are correct**
34. What is the primary use of the `@Transactional` annotation in Spring Boot applications?
- A) To automatically restart the application upon failure
- B) To indicate a method should be asynchronous
- C) **To define the boundaries of a transactional operation**
- D) To schedule a method for periodic execution
35. In Spring Boot, how can you externalize configuration to make your application adaptable to different environments?
- A) By hardcoding values for each environment within the application
- B) Using only environment variables
- C) **Through `application.properties` or `application.yml` files and environment variables**
- D) By creating separate `@Configuration` classes for each environment
36. What does the `spring-boot-starter-security` starter add to a Spring Boot application?
- A) Endpoints for RESTful APIs
- B) **Basic authentication and authorization capabilities**
- C) Automated data migration tools
- D) Enhanced logging features
37. Which component in Spring Boot acts as a facade for dealing with HTTP request and response objects?
- A) `@Service`
- B) `@Entity`
- C) **`@Controller` or `@RestController`**
- D) `@Repository`
38. How can you improve the startup time of a Spring Boot application?
- A) By adding more auto-configuration classes
- B) **By minimizing auto-configuration through selective use of `@EnableAutoConfiguration` exclude attribute**
- C) Increasing the number of beans in the application context
- D) Using exclusively XML-based configuration
39. What mechanism does Spring Boot provide for managing application profiles?
- A) Annotations on configuration classes
- B) **Profiles in `application.properties` or `application.yml` and the `@Profile` annotation**
- C) A dedicated profile management microservice
- D) Manual switching of configuration files before deployment
40. Which Spring Boot feature helps you create a self-contained application that includes an embedded web server?
- A) The `spring-boot-starter-parent` POM
- B) **Embedded server dependencies like `spring-boot-starter-tomcat`, `spring-boot-starter-jetty`, or `spring-boot-starter-undertow`**
- C) The `@WebServlet` annotation
- D) The `spring-context` dependency
41. What feature does Spring Boot provide for handling application events and listeners?
- A) **Application event publishing through the `ApplicationEventPublisher` interface**
- B) Direct invocation of listeners registered in the application context
- C) A built-in event bus for asynchronous event handling
- D) Automatic registration of event listeners based on annotations only
42. In Spring Boot, what is the purpose of the `@ConfigurationProperties` annotation?
- A) To configure properties for Spring Security
- B) To mark a class as a source of Spring beans
- C) **To bind external configuration properties to a POJO**
- D) To specify properties related to embedded servers
43. How does Spring Boot support internationalization (i18n)?
- A) By providing annotations to define locale-specific text
- B) **Through the use of `MessageSource` beans and locale resolution**
- C) By auto-configuring locale settings based on system defaults
- D) Using a dedicated microservice for language translation
44. What strategy does Spring Boot use to manage database migrations?
- A) Manual scripting and execution of database changes
- B) **Integration with tools like Flyway or Liquibase for versioned database migrations**
- C) Automatic generation of database changes based on entity classes
- D) Using the `@Transactional` annotation to manage schema changes
45. In Spring Boot, how can you expose custom metrics to be monitored?
- A) By using the `@Metrics` annotation on any method
- B) **Through the creation of custom `MeterBinder` beans or using the `@Timed` annotation for Micrometer metrics**
- C) By enabling JMX in the `application.properties` file
- D) Utilizing the Spring Boot Actuator’s health indicators
46. What is the role of Spring Boot DevTools in development?
- A) It provides additional security features for development environments.
- B) **It offers features like automatic restart and live reload to speed up development.**
- C) It simplifies the configuration of microservices.
- D) It enables the integration of containerization tools directly into the IDE.
47. How can Spring Boot applications be configured to run in a containerized environment?
- A) By using the `@Containerized` annotation
- B) **Through environment variables, externalized configuration files, and building Docker images**
- C) By deploying a dedicated container management service
- D) Utilizing XML-based configuration files for container-specific parameters
48. What does the `spring-boot-maven-plugin` contribute to the build process of a Spring Boot application?
- A) It only manages dependencies for the Spring Boot application.
- B) It provides an embedded Apache Maven instance within the application.
- C) **It simplifies the packaging of the application into a single executable JAR or WAR with embedded server.**
- D) It automatically generates RESTful endpoints based on domain classes.
49. Which component is responsible for the automatic configuration of Spring Boot applications based on classpath settings?
- A) `@SpringBootApplication` annotation
- B) **Spring Boot AutoConfiguration mechanism**
- C) `@EnableAutoConfiguration` annotation
- D) Application context listener
50. In Spring Boot, how can you secure RESTful APIs?
- A) By using the `@SecureAPI` annotation
- B) By implementing custom security protocols for each API
- C) **Through the integration with Spring Security and using annotations like `@PreAuthorize`**
- D) Utilizing API keys in each REST controller
These questions aim to cover a wide range of functionalities and features offered by Spring Boot, highlighting how it facilitates rapid and efficient development of Spring applications.
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