Spring Boot MCQs Explained: Part 2 - Advanced Insights for Expert Developers
Part 2: Spring Boot MCQs Series
Elevate your Spring Boot expertise with Part 2 of our comprehensive MCQ series, diving into advanced topics and best practices. Designed for experienced developers, this post covers sophisticated aspects such as microservices architecture, security, and performance optimization through detailed multiple-choice questions. Enhance your understanding of complex Spring Boot functionalities and prepare for high-level interviews or projects. This guide is an invaluable resource for developers looking to master Spring Boot and lead in the development of cutting-edge applications.
Diving deeper into the advanced aspects of Spring Boot, let's explore more nuanced features and best practices:
51. What is the recommended way to handle different application configurations for development, testing, and production environments in Spring Boot?
- A) Creating separate main classes for each environment
- B) Using different `pom.xml` files for each environment
- C) **Utilizing profiles and `application-{profile}.properties` files for environment-specific configurations**
- D) Manual switching of configurations before deployment
52. How does Spring Boot facilitate the development of microservices?
- A) By enforcing a monolithic application architecture
- B) **Providing support for lightweight service discovery, easy configuration, and the ability to quickly boot up standalone applications**
- C) Using only synchronous, blocking calls between services
- D) Mandating the use of a specific communication protocol
53. Which Spring Boot feature enables applications to react to changes in the state of a distributed system?
- A) `@EventListener` annotations for local events only
- B) **Spring Cloud Stream for building event-driven microservices**
- C) Direct JDBC calls to update application state based on database triggers
- D) Use of `@Async` annotation for state change notifications
54. What approach does Spring Boot recommend for handling application secrets and sensitive configurations?
- A) Embedding secrets directly in the `application.properties` files
- B) **Using external secret management systems like HashiCorp Vault or Spring Cloud Config Server**
- C) Encrypting the entire project directory
- D) Manually encrypting and decrypting properties files
55. How can Spring Boot applications be made more observable?
- A) By disabling logging and monitoring to increase performance
- B) **Integrating with Spring Boot Actuator, Micrometer, and external monitoring tools like Prometheus**
- C) Limiting the amount of operational data exposed to the development team
- D) Using only default logging without customization
56. What is the recommended approach for handling database relations in a Spring Boot application using Spring Data JPA?
- A) Avoiding relations and treating each entity as standalone
- B) **Mapping entity relationships using JPA annotations like `@OneToMany`, `@ManyToOne`**
- C) Using native SQL for all database interactions
- D) Creating manual joins in the service layer without leveraging JPA
Crafting new questions to cover distinct aspects of Spring Boot, ensuring a comprehensive understanding:
57. What mechanism in Spring Boot allows for the handling of cross-origin requests in a web application?
- A) `@CrossOrigin` annotation on controller classes or methods
- B) The `spring-boot-starter-cors` dependency
- C) Manually configuring HTTP response headers
- D) **A) and C) are correct**
58. Which of the following best describes the use of Spring Data REST in a Spring Boot application?
- A) To manually define RESTful endpoints for each entity
- B) **To automatically expose Spring Data repositories as RESTful resources**
- C) To configure embedded servers for RESTful service deployment
- D) To enable Spring Security for RESTful APIs
59. How can a Spring Boot application be deployed to a cloud platform, like AWS or Heroku?
- A) By converting the Spring Boot application into a PHP application
- B) Using proprietary cloud SDKs for deployment
- C) **Packaging the application as a Docker container or using platform-specific plugins and tools**
- D) Only through manual uploading of compiled bytecode
60. In the context of Spring Boot, what is a 'starter'?
- A) A predefined template for a new Spring Boot project
- B) **A set of convenient dependency descriptors that you can include in your application**
- C) An initial set of data for database initialization
- D) The first class that gets executed in a Spring Boot application
61. Which Spring Boot module provides support for accessing data using MongoDB?
- A) `spring-boot-starter-web`
- B) `spring-boot-starter-jdbc`
- C) **`spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb`**
- D) `spring-boot-starter-data-rest`
62. What does the `@Validated` annotation do in a Spring Boot application?
- A) Marks a class as being eligible for Spring Boot auto-configuration
- B) **Activates validation on method parameters and method return types**
- C) Specifies that a controller should validate HTTP request bodies
- D) Validates Spring Boot configuration properties
63. Which file is used by Maven to define the build configuration for a Spring Boot application?
- A) `build.gradle`
- B) `application.yml`
- C) **`pom.xml`**
- D) `spring-config.xml`
64. How does Spring Boot simplify the deployment of web applications?
- A) By requiring the manual configuration of web servers
- B) **By embedding web servers like Tomcat, Jetty, or Undertow directly within the application**
- C) By deploying only on traditional application servers
- D) Through exclusive use of cloud-native buildpacks
65. What purpose does the `@JsonSerialize` annotation serve in a Spring Boot application?
- A) It triggers the automatic generation of database schemas based on entity classes
- B) **It customizes the serialization of a class or property to JSON**
- C) It serializes Java objects into SQL queries for JPA repositories
- D) It configures the embedded web server’s serialization capabilities
66. In Spring Boot, how can developer-specific configurations (e.g., for debugging) be applied without affecting the production environment?
- A) By changing the production environment configurations to match development needs
- B) **Using profiles to define and activate specific configurations for different environments**
- C) Manual reconfiguration before each deployment
- D) Through direct modification of the `application.properties` file in the source code
Expanding the scope to explore additional features and practices within Spring Boot, here are further detailed questions:
67. Which annotation in Spring Boot is primarily used for marking a main application class?
- A) `@EnableAutoConfiguration`
- B) `@ComponentScan`
- C) `@Configuration`
- D) **`@SpringBootApplication`**
68. What is the function of the `@Query` annotation in Spring Data JPA?
- A) To define transaction boundaries
- B) **To specify a custom query on a repository method**
- C) To activate query caching
- D) To mark a class as a query handler
69. How does Spring Boot achieve persistence layer abstraction?
- A) Through direct JDBC API calls
- B) **By integrating with Spring Data JPA to abstract away boilerplate CRUD operations**
- C) Using AOP to intercept database calls
- D) By requiring manual configuration of DataSource beans
70. Which feature in Spring Boot allows for the management of application health and metrics?
- A) Spring MVC
- B) **Spring Boot Actuator**
- C) Spring Cloud
- D) Spring Security
71. How can Spring Boot applications be made more resilient to failures?
- A) By avoiding any external dependencies
- B) Using only synchronous communication between services
- C) **Integrating with resilience4j or Hystrix for circuit breaker patterns**
- D) Disabling Actuator endpoints
72. In Spring Boot, which dependency is used to develop message-driven applications?
- A) `spring-boot-starter-web`
- B) **`spring-boot-starter-activemq` or `spring-boot-starter-rabbit`**
- C) `spring-boot-starter-data-jpa`
- D) `spring-boot-starter-mail`
73. What approach does Spring Boot advocate for binding domain objects to database tables?
- A) Manual SQL query construction
- B) **Annotation-based ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) using JPA annotations like `@Entity`**
- C) Dynamic query generation through template engines
- D) Direct database manipulation without an abstraction layer
74. What does Spring Boot use to externalize application configuration?
- A) Hardcoded values in Java code
- B) **Property files, YAML files, environment variables, and command-line arguments**
- C) Only annotations in the application code
- D) A centralized configuration service for all applications
75. How can Spring Boot help in creating API documentation?
- A) By manually writing API documentation in HTML
- B) Using proprietary tools specific to Spring Boot
- C) **Integrating with Swagger or Spring Rest Docs for automatic API documentation generation**
- D) Spring Boot does not support API documentation generation
76. What strategy does Spring Boot provide for transaction management?
- A) Only programmatic transaction management
- B) **Declarative transaction management using `@Transactional` annotation**
- C) Transactions must be managed manually by the developer
- D) Using external tools for managing transactions
Continuing with the theme of deep-diving into Spring Boot's capabilities and features, here are 24 additional questions tailored for an interview context:
77. What role does the `@PersistenceContext` annotation play in Spring Boot?
- A) **Injects an EntityManager in JPA-based applications**
- B) Configures persistence settings in `application.properties`
- C) Specifies the context path of the application
- D) Manages the lifecycle of persistence beans
78. How does Spring Boot simplify the development of REST APIs?
- A) By requiring manual configuration of each endpoint
- B) **Through auto-configuration and the use of `@RestController` and `@RequestMapping` annotations**
- C) By providing a special REST API development module
- D) Using XML configurations for defining REST endpoints
79. What is the purpose of the `spring.profiles.active` property in Spring Boot?
- A) To activate Spring Security profiles
- B) **To specify which profiles are currently active for the application**
- C) To enable automatic configuration profiles
- D) To define active MVC profiles
80. How can you customize the serialization of a JSON response in a Spring Boot application?
- A) By using the `@JsonView` annotation
- B) **Utilizing Jackson annotations like `@JsonInclude` and `@JsonProperty`**
- C) Configuring JSON serialization settings in `application.yml`
- D) Overriding default serialization behavior in `WebMvcConfigurer`
81. What is the significance of the `@MockBean` annotation in testing Spring Boot applications?
- A) **To add mock objects to the Spring application context for testing**
- B) To mock external services by creating fake implementations
- C) To create bean definitions for production use
- D) To configure bean mocking preferences in `application.properties`
82. Which Spring Boot starter is used for integrating Spring Security into an application?
- A) `spring-boot-starter-web`
- B) **`spring-boot-starter-security`**
- C) `spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client`
- D) `spring-boot-starter-jwt`
83. How does Spring Boot support data access auditing?
- A) By manually implementing audit logs
- B) Using AOP to intercept data access calls
- C) **Through the use of Spring Data JPA auditing annotations like `@CreatedDate`**
- D) Requiring the implementation of custom repository interfaces
84. What does the `spring-boot-starter-test` dependency include for application testing?
- A) Only JUnit
- B) Proprietary Spring Boot testing tools
- C) **Common testing libraries such as JUnit, Spring Test, AssertJ, Hamcrest, and Mockito**
- D) A built-in testing suite unique to Spring Boot
85. How do you handle file uploads in a Spring Boot web application?
- A) By configuring a special file-upload module
- B) **Using the `@RequestParam` annotation to bind a multipart file**
- C) Implementing custom file parsing logic
- D) Spring Boot does not support file uploads directly
86. In Spring Boot, what is the role of the `@EnableCaching` annotation?
- A) **It enables caching support in the application**
- B) Configures the default cache provider
- C) Specifies cacheable methods directly
- D) Enables the application to use external cache services
87. What is the use of the `spring.main.lazy-initialization` property in Spring Boot?
- A) To enable lazy loading of web components
- B) **To delay the initialization of beans until they are actually needed**
- C) To improve the boot time of the application
- D) To configure lazy loading for database connections
88. How can Spring Boot be used to develop a WebSocket application?
- A) By using the `spring-boot-starter-websocket` starter for easy WebSocket development
- B) **Incorporating Spring Framework’s WebSocket support with minimal configuration**
- C) Spring Boot does not support WebSocket without extensive custom configuration
- D) Using third-party libraries exclusively
89. What mechanism does Spring Boot provide for scheduling tasks?
- A) Manual configuration of cron jobs at the OS level
- B) **The `@Scheduled` annotation for method-level scheduling**
- C) Utilizing external scheduling services only
- D) Scheduling is not supported in Spring Boot
90. How is session management handled in a Spring Boot application?
- A) Exclusively through external tools like Redis
- B) By disabling sessions entirely for stateless operation
- C) **Spring Session for providing API and implementations for managing sessions**
- D) Using Java EE
container session management only
91. What feature does `spring-boot-starter-mail` provide?
- A) Configuration for database mail protocols
- B) **Support for sending emails using Spring’s MailSender interface**
- C) Email template rendering capabilities
- D) Built-in email client application
92. How can Spring Boot applications be configured for graceful shutdown?
- A) By using the `@Shutdown` annotation
- B) Through a custom bean that listens for shutdown signals
- C) **Setting the `spring.lifecycle.timeout-per-shutdown-phase` property**
- D) Graceful shutdown is not a feature of Spring Boot
93. In Spring Boot, which dependency is primarily used for validating bean properties?
- A) `spring-boot-starter-validation`
- B) `spring-boot-starter-data-jpa`
- C) **Both A and B are correct**
- D) `spring-boot-starter-web`
94. What does the `@DynamicUpdate` annotation do in a Spring Boot application using Hibernate?
- A) Forces Hibernate to dynamically update all fields of an entity
- B) **Allows Hibernate to generate SQL updates that only include changed columns**
- C) Dynamically changes the database schema according to entity definitions
- D) Updates entity versions dynamically for optimistic locking
95. How does Spring Boot support OAuth2 for securing applications?
- A) Through manual configuration of OAuth2 servers
- B) **By providing starters for simplifying the integration of OAuth2 client and resource server**
- C) OAuth2 is not supported in Spring Boot
- D) Using third-party plugins only
96. What is the recommended way to manage application secrets in Spring Boot?
- A) Storing secrets directly in `application.properties` or `application.yml`
- B) **Using Spring Cloud Vault or similar secret management systems**
- C) Embedding secrets in the application code
- D) Manual encryption and decryption of properties files
Focusing on frequently asked aspects of Spring Boot in interviews, here are four additional questions that cover core concepts and common use cases:
97. How do you configure a datasource in a Spring Boot application?
- A) By manually creating a `DataSource` bean in a configuration class.
- B) By using the `@DataSource` annotation.
- C) **By specifying database connection properties in `application.properties` or `application.yml`.**
- D) Spring Boot requires manual setup and does not support auto-configuration of datasources.
98. What is the purpose of the `@Transactional` annotation in Spring Boot?
- A) It specifies that a method should be executed asynchronously.
- B) **It declares that the annotated method or class should be executed within a transactional context.**
- C) It makes a method or class eligible for Spring Boot’s auto-configuration.
- D) It is used to annotate test methods to run them within a transaction.
99. How can you create a custom Spring Boot starter?
- A) By defining a `@Bean` method in the application's main class.
- B) By using the `spring init` CLI command with custom parameters.
- C) **By packaging configuration, auto-configuration classes, and required dependencies into a library.**
- D) Custom starters are not supported in Spring Boot; you must use existing starters.
100. What mechanism does Spring Boot provide for health checking in production applications?
- A) Manual health checks by invoking specific URLs.
- B) **Spring Boot Actuator, offering health indicators for various system and application metrics.**
- C) External tools are required; Spring Boot does not have built-in support.
- D) Health checking is managed through the `application.properties` file without additional coding.
These questions target pivotal areas of Spring Boot that are commonly explored in interviews, ensuring candidates are familiar with essential features, best practices, and the framework's versatility in developing and managing modern applications.
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