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MCQ Asked in placements

Ques0.​ There is a new data-type which can take as values natural numbers between
(and including) 0 and 25. How many minimum bits are required to store this datatype.
Op 1: 4
Op 2: 5
Op 3: 1
Op 4: 3
Correct Op : 2
Ques1. A data type is stored as an 6 bit signed integer. Which of the following cannot
be represented by this data type?
Op 1: -12
Op 2: 0
Op 3: 32
Op 4: 18

Correct Op : 3

Ques3. A language has 28 different letters in total. Each word in the language is
composed of maximum 7 letters. You want to create a data-type to store a word of
this language. You decide to store the word as an array of letters. How many bits will
you assign to the data-type to be able to store all kinds of words of the language.
Op 1: 7
Op 2: 35
Op 3: 28
Op 4: 196
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques4. A 10-bit unsigned integer has the following range:
Op 1: 0 to 1000
Op 2: 0 to 1024
Op 3: 1 to 1025
Op 4: 0 to 1023
Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques5. Rajni wants to create a data-type for the number of books in her book case.
Her shelf can accommodate a maximum of 75 books. She allocates 7 bits to the datatype.
Later another shelf is added to her book-case. She realizes that she can still use
the same data-type for storing the number of books in her book-case. What is themaximum possible capacity of her new added shelf?
Op 1: 52
Op 2: 127
Op 3: 53
Op 4: 75
Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques6. A new language has 15 possible letters, 8 different kinds of punctuation marks
and a blank character. Rahul wants to create two data types, first one which could
store the letters of the language and a second one which could store any character in
the language. The number of bits required to store these two data-types will
respectively be:
Op 1: 3 and 4
Op 2: 4 and 3
Op 3: 4 and 5
Op 4: 3 and 5
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques7. Parul takes as input two numbers: a and b. a and b can take integer values
between 0 and 255. She stores a, b and c as 1-byte data type. She writes the
following code statement to process a and b and put the result in c.
c = a + 2*b
To her surprise her program gives the right output with some input values of a and b,
while gives an erroneous answer for others. For which of the following inputs will it
give a wrong answer?
Op 1: a = 10 b = 200
Op 2: a = 200 b = 10
Op 3: a = 50 b = 100
Op 4: a = 100 b = 50
Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques8. Prashant takes as input 2 integer numbers, a and b, whose value can be
between 0 and 127. He stores them as 7 bit numbers. He writes the following code
to process these numbers to produce a third number c.
c = a - b
In how many minimum bits should Prashant store c?
Op 1: 6 bits
Op 2: 7 bits
Op 3: 8 bits
Op 4: 9 bits
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques9. Ankita takes as input 2 integer numbers, a and b, whose value can be between
0 and 31. He stores them as 5 bit numbers. He writes the following code to process
these numbers to produce a third number c.
c = 2*(a - b)
In how many minimum bits should Ankita store c?
Op 1: 6 bits
Op 2: 7 bits
Op 3: 8 bits
Op 4: 9 bits
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques10. A character in new programming language is stored in 2 bytes. A string is
represented as an array of characters. A word is stored as a string. Each byte in the
memory has an address. The word "Mahatma Gandhi" is stored in the memory with
starting address 456. The letter 'd' will be at which memory address?
Op 1: 468
Op 2: 480
Op 3: 478
Op 4: 467
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques11. Stuti is making a questionnaire of True-false questions. She wants to define a
data-type which stores the response of the candidate for the question. What is the
most-suited data type for this purpose?
Op 1: integer
Op 2: boolean
Op 3: float
Op 4: character
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques12. What will be the output of the following pseudo-code statements:
integer a = 456, b, c, d =10
b = a/d
c = a - b
print c
Op 1: 410
Op 2: 410.4
Op 3: 411.4
Op 4: 411
Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques13. What will be the output of the following pseudo-code statements:
integer a = 984, b, c, d =10
print remainder(a,d) // remainder when a is divided by d
a = a/d
print remainder(a,d) // remainder when a is divided by d
Op 1: 48
Op 2: Error
Op 3: 84
Op 4: 44
Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques. What will be the output of the following code statements?
integer a = 50, b = 25, c = 0
print ( a > 45 OR b > 50 AND c > 10 )
Op 1: 1
Op 2: 0
Op 3: -1
Op 4: 10
Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques14. What will be the output of the following code statements?
integer a = 50, b = 25, c = 5
print a * b / c + c
Op 1: 120
Op 2: 125
Op 3: 255
Op 4: 250
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques15. What will be the output of the following code statements?
integer a = 10, b = 35, c = 5
print a * b / c - c
Op 1: 65
Op 2: 60
Op 3: Error
Op 4: 70
Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques16. integer a = 10, b = 35, c = 5
Comment about the output of the two statements?
print a * b + c / d
print c / d + a * b
Op 1: Differ due to left-to-right precedence
Op 2: Differ by 10
Op 3: Differ by 20
Op 4: Same
Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques17. integer a = 40, b = 35, c = 20, d = 10
Comment about the output of the following two statements:
print a * b / c - d
print a * b / (c - d)
Op 1: Differ by 80
Op 2: Same
Op 3: Differ by 50
Op 4: Differ by 160
Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques18. integer a = 60, b = 35, c = -30
What will be the output of the following two statements:
print ( a > 45 OR b > 50 AND c > 10 )
print ( ( a > 45 OR b > 50 ) AND c > 10 )
Op 1: 0 and 1
Op 1: No error, the program is correct.
Op 2: Statement 1
Op 3: Statement 4
Op 4: statement 6
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques22. Shashi wants to make a program to print the sum of the first 10 multiples of 5.
She writes the following program, where statement 5 is missing:
integer i = 0
integer sum = 0
while ( i <= 50 )
sum = sum + i
print sum
Which of the following will you use for statement 5?
Op 1: i = 5
Op 2: i = 5 * i
Op 3: i = i + 1
Op 4: i = i + 5
Op 5:
Correct Op : 4
Ques23. Shantanu wants to make a program to print the sum of the first 7 multiples of
6. He writes the following program:
integer i = 0 // statement 1
integer sum // statement 2
while ( i <= 42 ) // statement 3
sum = sum + i // statement 4
i = i + 6;
print sum // statement 6
Does this program have an error? If yes, which one statement will you modify to
correct the program?
Op 1: Statement 1
Op 2: Statement 2
Op 3: Statement 3
Op 4: Statement 4
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2
Ques24. Sharmili wants to make a program to print the sum of all perfect cubes, where
the value of the cubes go from 0 to 100. She writes the following program:
integer i = 0, a // statement 1
integer sum = 0;
a = ( i * i * i )
while ( i < 100 ) // statement 2
sum = sum + a // statement 3
i = i + 1
a = ( i * i * i ) // statement 4
print sum
Does this program have an error? If yes, which one statement will you modify to
correct the program?
Op 1: Statement 1
Op 2: Statement 2
Op 3: Statement 3
Op 4: Statement 4
Op 5: No error
Correct Op : 2
Ques25. Bhavya wants to make a program to print the sum of all perfect squares,
where the value of the squares go from 0 to 50. She writes the following program:
integer i = 1, a // statement 1
integer sum = 0
while ( a < 50 ) // statement 2
sum = sum + a // statement 3
i = i + 1
a = ( i * i ); // statement 4
print sum
Does this program have an error? If yes, which one statement will you modify to
correct the program?
Op 1: Statement 1
Op 2: Statement 2
Op 3: Statement 3
Op 4: Statement 4
Op 5: No error
Correct Op : 1
Ques26. Vijay wants to print the following pattern on the screen:
2 4
2 4 6
2 4 6 8
He writes the following program:
integer i = 1, j=2 // statement 1
while ( i <= 4 ) // statement 2
j = 2;
while ( j <= ? ) // Statement 3
print j
print blank space
j = j + 2
print end-of-line akes the cursor to the next line
i = i + 1
What is the value of ? in statement 3 ::
Op 1: 8
Op 2: i
Op 3: 2*i
Op 4: 4
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques27. Shravanti writes the following program:
integer i = 0, j
while ( i < 2 )
{j = 0;
while ( j <= 3*i )
{print j
print blank space
j = j + 3}
print end-of-line akes the cursor to the next line
i = i + 1
What will be the output of the program?
Op 1: 0
0 3
Op 2: 0 3
0 3 6
Op 3: 0
0 3 6
0 3 6 9
Op 4: 0 3 6
0 3 6 9
0 3 6 9 12
Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques28. Vijay wants to print the following pattern on the screen:
1 2
1 2 3
He writes the following program:
integer i = 1 // statement 1
while ( i <= 3 )
int j // Statement 2
while ( j <= i ) // Statement 3
print j
print blank space
j = j + 1 // Statement 4
print end-of-line akes the cursor to the next line
i = i + 1
Will this program function correctly? If not which one statement will you modify to
make the program function correctly?
Op 1: Statement 1
Op 2: Statement 2
Op 3: Statement 3
Op 4: Statement 4
Op 5: Program does not have error.
Correct Op : 2
Ques29. Charu writes the following program:
integer i = 1, j, a
while ( i <= 4 )
j = 1;
a = 0;
while ( a <= 5*i )
a = 2^j;
print a
print blank space
j = j + 1
print end-of-line akes the cursor to the next line
i = i + 1
What will be the output of the program?
Op 1: 2
2 4
2 4 8
2 4 8 16
Op 2: 2 4
2 4 8
2 4 8 16
2 4 8 16 32
Op 3: 2 4
2 4 8
2 4 8
2 4 8 16
Op 4: 2
2 4
2 4
2 4 8 16
Op 5:
Correct Op : 3
Ques30. Himanshu wants to write a program to print the larger of the two inputted
number. He writes the following code:
int number1, number 2
input number1, number 2
if (??) // Statement 1
print number1
print number2
end if
Fill in the ?? in statement 1.
Op 1: number1>number2
Op 2: number2>number1
Op 3: number2 equals number1
Op 4: number1 <= number2
Op 5:
Correct Op : 1
Ques31. Shalini wants to program to print the largest number out of three inputted
numbers. She writes the following program:
int number1, number 2, number3, temp;
input number1, number2, number3;
if (number1>number2)
temp = number1
temp = number2
end if
if (??) // Statement 1
temp = number3
end if
print temp
Fill in the ?? in Statement 1
Op 1: number3 > number2
Op 2: number3 > temp
Op 3: number3 < temp
Op 4: number3 > number1
Op 5:
Correct Op : 2

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