//adsense code


1.        Which of the following is not a loop structure?

(a)   for      (b) do-while            (c) repeat-until              (d) while

2.        If statement is a —————statement

(a)   One-way decision  (b) Multi-way decision  (c) Two way decision (d) Loop construct

3.        ‗break‘ statement in a loop is used for

(a)    Terminating the loop                   (b) De-allocating memory

(c) Terminating the program              (d) Terminating the function

4.        The keyword else can be used with

(a)   for statement         (b) do.. while ( ) statement       (c) if statement    (d) switch ( ) statement

5.        The two different ways to implement a multiway selection in C are

(a)   Simple if and if-else                                  (b) if-else and nested if-else

(c) else-if ladder and switch                         (d) None

6.        The minimum number of time that a do-while loop executes

(a)   0                 (b) 1                (c) infinitely               (d) variable

7.        The while loop is terminated when the conditional expression returns

(a)   1                 (b) 2                 (c) 3                             (d) Zero

8.        C provides                    as a convenient alternative to the traditional if-else for two way selection.

(a)    Conditional operator      (b) Short hand assignment      (c) Increment (d) None

9.        The statement used to send back any value to the calling function is

(a)   break          (b) continue    (c) exit            (d) return

10.   The            statement is used to skip the remaining part of the statements in a loop and continue with next iteration.

(a)   break                      (b) goto           (c) continue    (d) exit

11.                 should be avoided as part of structured programming approach

(a)   break                      (b) goto           (c) continue     (d) exit

12.   The minimum number of times for loop executes

(a)   2     (b) can‘t be predicted             (c) 0                 (d) 1


What will be output when you will execute following c code? void main()

{ int fruit=1; switch(fruit+2)


default:printf("apple"); case 4: printf(" banana");

case 5: printf(" orange"); case 8: printf(" grape");



(a)    applebanana orange grape         (b) grape    (c) orange (d) banana orange grape

14.   Which for loop has range of similar indexes of 'i' used in for (i = 0;i< n; i++)? (a) for (i = n; i>0; i–)         (b) for (i = n; i >= 0; i–)

(c) for (i = n-1; i>0; i–)           (d) for (i = n-1; i>-1; i–)

15.   What will be output when you will execute following C code? void main()


int check=2; switch(check)


case 2: printf("1");


case 3: printf(" 2"); break;



(a)   12            (b) 2                   (c) 1                 (d) Compilation error

16.      Which one among the following is the correct syntax of for loop?

(a) for(i=0;i<n;i++);            (b) for(i<n;i=0;i++);

(c) for(i=0;i<n:i++);               (d) None

17.      ‗for‘ loop in C program , if the condition is missing

(a)   assumed to be present and taken to be false

(b)    assumed to be present and taken to be true

(c)   syntax error

(d)    execution will be terminated abruptly

18.   if c is initialized to 1, how many times following loop is executed While((c>0)&&(c<60))

{          c++;    }

(a) 60              (b) 59              (c) 61 (d)1

19.   The library function exit () causes an exit from

loop                       (b) block         (c)function      (d) None

20.   break statement can use with

i) loop             ii)switch          iii) block

(a) onlyi,ii      (b) only ii,iii   (c) only i, iii    (d) All

21.   What is the output of this C code? int main()


while ()

printf("In while loop "); printf("After loop\n");


(a)    In while loop after loop (b) After loop (c) Compile time error(d) Infinite loop

22.   Which among the following is not checked in switch case

(a)   character    (b) integer       (c) float                       (d) None

23.   What is the output of the following program main()


int i; for(i=1;i<5;i++)

{ if(i==3) break;




(a) 12345                     (b)124             (c)1245                       (d)12

24.   What is the output of the following program main()

{          int i;




continue; Printf(%d‖,i);



(a) 12345                     (b)124             (c)1245                       (d)12

25.   What are the entry controlled loops among the following

i. while            ii. Do-while     iii. For

(a) only i         (b) only ii,iii   (c) only iii       (d) only i, iii

26.      What is the output of the following program? main()


int i=1; while(i<=5)






(a)   12345         (b)1234                       (c) 2345           (d) Leads to infinite loop

27.      for(;;) can be terminated by

(a)   break          (b) exit(0)       (c) return         (d) All the above

28.   What is the output of the following program main()





(a)   12345         (b)1234                       (c) 6     (d) leads to infinite loop

29.   What is the correct syntax of for loop

(a) for(i=0;i<n;i++){ }                       (b) for(i<n;i=0;i++){ }

(c) for(i=0;i<n:i++){}                        (d) for(i=0:i<n:i++){ }

30.   Array is an example of which of the following?

(a)    Derived types       (b) Fundamental types (c) User-defined types (d) None

31.   Which of the following is used to display a string on the screen?

(a) %s             (b) %c             (c) %d             (d) %f

32.   What is the final value of x when the code int x; for(x=0; x<10; x++) {} is run?

(a) 10              (b) 9                (c) 0                 (d) 1

33.   Which of the following is exit controlled loop

(a)   for              (b) while         (c) do-while                (d) None

34.   The default statement is executed when

(a)    All the case statements are false            (b) One of the case is true

(c) One of the case is false                             (d) None

35.   How many times the following C code prints ―Hello‖ int main()


while (1) printf("Hello ");


(a)   One                        (b) zero           (c) Infinite                  (d) Produce error

36.   How many times the following C code prints ―Hello‖ int main()




printf("Hello ");



(a)    One                       (b) zero           (c) Infinite                   (d) Produce error




How many bytes the array price occupies. float price[10];

(a)   10 bytes     (b) 4 bytes       (c) 40 bytes     (d) 20 bytes

38.   Which of the following is syntactically correct?

(a) for();          (b) for(;);        (c) for(,);         (d) for(;;);

39.   What is the output of the following code main()


int a= 0,b = 20;

char x =1,y =10; if(a,b,x,y)



(a)   Syntax error          (b) hello          (c) 10               (d) None

40.                              is used to terminate from the entire program

(a)   return      (b) break            (c) exit            (d) goto

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