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1.        Which of the following is true for definition of a structure                         

A)   Items of the same data type                       B) Items of the different data type

C)Integers with user defined names               D) List of Strings

2.        The keyword used to define a structure is                         

A)   stru                         B) struct                     C) structure                 D) STRUC

3.        The operator used to access the structure member is                     

A) *                             B) &                           C) .                              D) |

4.        The operator exclusively used with pointer to structure is                                                       A) .                              B) [ ]                                   C) à                           D) *

5.        Which of the following is correct for a Structure definition?

A)   Scalar data type    B) Derived data type            C) Enumerated type D) Null Type

6.        When accessing a structure member, the identifier to the left of the dot operator is

A)   A structure member                                   B) The structure tag

C) A structure variable                                D) The keyword struct

7.        When a structure is an element to  another structure, it is called as a          

A)   Union                                                         B) Structure within a structure

C) Pointer to Structure                                  D) Array of Structures

8.        A                  structure is one which contains a pointer to its own type.

A)   Self-referential        B) Nested                C) Array                      D) Pointer

9.        Consider the following declaration of Union union st



char c; int x; float y;


How many bytes are allocated to union variable p?

A)   7 bytes       B) 4 bytes                   C) 1 byte                     D) 2 bytes

10.   In C language the Bit fields are used to                       

A)   Save time                                                               B) Save memory

C) Change order of allocation of memory                 D) Save Program

11.   The size of structure and union is same when they contain                       

A)     Single member                            B) any number of members

C) Arrays of different types               D) Pointers to different types

12.   The operator used to find the size of any variable                               

A)  sizeof()                   B) sizof()                    C) size of()                  D) size()


The operator à is same as the combination of the operators                   

* and .                   B) &and .                    C) * and &                  D) & and |

14.   Union can store                    number of values at a time

A)     All its members    B) Only 1                    C) 2                             D) Cannot hold value

15.   ‘C‘ provides a facility for user defined data type using                  concept

A)   Array                     B) Function                 C) Pointer                   D) Structure

16.   In the expression pà value, p is a

A)   Address                  B) Pointer                  C) Structure                D) Header

17.   In C language the expression(*ps).x is equal to               

A)  ps->x                       B) x->ps                     C) ps->*x                    D) None

18.   Which of the following is a list of named integer constants?

A)   typedef                   B)enumeration          C)structure                  D) union

19.   Which of the following is a memory location that is shared by two or more different types of variables?

A)   typedef                   B)enumeration            C)structure                  D) union

20.   argv[0] points to

A)   Program name     B) First argument       C) Both           D) None

21.   Which of the following is true about a File in C?

A)   It is a data type                  B) A region of storage in Disk

C) A variable                          D) Pointer

22.      If  the function fopen() fails,  it returns                   

A)     -1                           B) 1                 C) NULL                    D) Address

23.      The function used for writing a character to a file is _                

A)     putc()                    B) fputs()        C) fputchar()               D) putw()

24.   The function  used  for  reading  a formatted  input data from a file is         

A)   getchar()                B) fscanf()      C) fgetc()                    D)fgets()

25.                     function set the pointer position anywhere in the data file

A)   fseek()                   B) feof()          C) ftell()                     D) rewind()

26.   The mode used for opening an existing file for reading a binary stream is

A)   r                              B) rb              C) wb                          D) w

27.   The mode used for opening an existing file for reading & writing a text stream is  

A. r+                            B) r                 C) w+                          D) w

28.   In C, file processing function  fseek()                     _

A)   needs 2 arguments              B)makes rewind function unnecessary

C)takes 3 arguments              D)none of the above

29.   rewind() function takes __ number of arguments.

A) 1                             B) 2                 C) 3                             D) 0

30.   fseek(fptr,0,0) is equivalent to                   

A)   ftell                        B) rewind       C)a & b                       D) none of the above

31.   Which among the following is odd one out?

A)   printf                      B) fprintf        C) putchar                   D) scanf

32.   The value of EOF is        _

A) -1                           B) 0                 C) 1                             D) 10

33.   Which of the following fopen statements are illegal?

A)   fp = fopen(abc.txt‖, r);

B)   fp = fopen(/home/user1/abc.txt‖, w);




fp = fopen(―abc, w);

D)   None of the mentioned

34.   What does the following segment of code do fprintf(fp, Copying!);

A)   It writes “Copying!” into the file pointed by fp

B)   It reads ―Copying!‖ from the file and prints on display

C)   It writes as well as reads ―Copying!‖ to and from the file and prints it

D)   None of the mentioned

35.   FILE reserved word is

A)   A structure tag declared in stdio.h            B) One of the basic datatypes in c

C)   Pointer to the structure defined in stdio.h

D)   It is a type name defined in stdio.h

36.   Which of the following causes an error

A)   Trying to read a file that doesn‘t exist

B)   Inability to write data in a file.

C)   Failure to allocate memory with the help of malloc

D)  All of the menioned

37.   fputs adds newline character

A)   true                                                B) false

C) Depends on the standard               D) Undefined behavior

38.   In fseek() function , the position value 2 indicates           

A)   Beginning of file   B) End of file             C) Current position     D) All

39.   Which of the following are C preprocessors?

A)   #ifdef                     B) #define                   C) #endif                     D) All

40.   In fseek() function , the position value 1 indicates           

A)   Beginning of file   B) End of file              C) Current position D) All


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